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Thin Ice

I love this series!

Men Of Valor 


Irene Hannon knocks it out of the park, every single time! This book has brother Lance, as a FBI agent, and his friend Christy is stalked and someone has disrupted her entire life. without giving you spoilers, just know this book has the ever-present Hannon mystery, and romance as well as some twists and turns that keeps you turning the pages.

I loved this book and will continue with the series. This is a stand alone book, however, if you want to know more about the characters, I would read the first book, and get to know the characters first.

Go check out this book from Irene Hannon and be thrilled just like I was!

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Buried Secrets Irene Hannon


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Buried Secrets Men of Valor Series Book #1 was gifted to me by Family Christian Stores in exchange for my honest review


Have you ever read a book that is so good that you read it cover to cover, the very first day you get it?  This book was better than that!!  Irene Hannon has written her best yet!

I was so excited about this book with each word I read!   The book starts out as a look back in history and weaves a story that the entire plot is about, but doesn’t give you details about a lot of the things that happen in this mystery.  Hannon weaves a story so creative that it leaves you wanting so much more.

Each character is created with so much thought and planning that you fall in love with them!  Even the bad guy!!! One of the best character’s is Talley, the dog!

I love mysteries and I love criminal mysteries even better and this book has it all.

Add to that, that it is basically a clean read, makes this book even better!

without going into details, just let me say that each twist and turn Lisa and Mac fall deeper and deeper in love and know that their personal relationship is off-limits until their working relationship is done.  She’s a City Police Chief, He is a county Officer.  Together the two work flawlessly in sync through the entire process of solving ‘the bones case”

The book is beautiful before you even pick it up, when you can feel the dirt….

I have never seen a book like this with this kind of cover that draws you in before you ever open the cover.  I am just not that kind of person when it comes to books.  I don’t care about the cover, I want the substance of the book.  This one was different.

I loved this book and had a very good experience while reading it!

It’s going to be a long wait till spring 2016 for the rest of the series!!!


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