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Five Minute Friday – Crowd


Noisy, Many, Jumbled, People, – Scared



I despise crowds.  I get very anxious, start having palpitations and get very subdued, then end up in a panic attack usually.  Now this is a crowd where I don’t know anyone though…

Church, Sporting Events, that kind of thing, I am okay.  But put me in a crowd of people (to me, a crowd is two) and I literally lose it.  Yes I am agoraphobic.  

Let me stay in my little home all day long, order everything I need from the internet, go out to church, anything for my kids or grand-kids and dr’s appts (which send me over the edge also)

Crowds to me are the enemy.  They take me to a deep, dark place, that I have no control over, no matter how deep I breathe, no matter how much I count, no matter how “zen” I get.

Okay, now you know I am agoraphobic and get panic attack.  What do I do?

I pray.  The ONLY way I could get through anything scary to me.  Crowds, Elevators, Heights, Going Under Anesthesia.  Anything like that….  The unknown.

Aren’t we so blessed that God is a safe place, known, he loves us. 

I know for me, without God, I would never live through any of this….

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday

this is from Lisa-Jo Baker’s Blog that explains FMF)

So, here’s the skinny: every Friday for going on four years now hundreds of people have joined a kind of writing flash mob over here.

We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the #FMFParty (It stands for Five Minute Friday Party).

No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.

Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

It started because I’d been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And I figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.

So now on Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write without worrying if it’s just right gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes.

Your words. This shared feast.

It’s easy to join in, just:

  1. Check what the prompt is on my Lisa Jo Baker’s Blog.
  2. Write a post in only five minutes on that topic on your blog.
  3. {And if you don’t have a blog, no worries! Just leave your writing as a comment on my post}
  4. Link over to Lisa’s blog and invite friends to join in.
  5. Select the permalink to your post {so not your blog url http://www.lisajobaker.com but your post url  http://www.lisajobaker.com/2012/07/five-minute-friday-2/ }
  6. Using the blue linky tool at the bottom of Lisa’ Five Minute Friday post enter your link.
  7. It will also walk you through selecting which photo you want to show up in the linky.
  8. Your post will show up in our Five Minute Friday linky.
  9. Be sure and encourage the person who linked up before you!

Our most important requirement for participation: There’s really only one absolute, no ifs, ands or buts about it Five Minute Friday rule: you must visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community




6 Responses

  1. Thank you for stopping by


  2. thank you for stopping by!


  3. I like to stay at home too! I am not agoraphobic, by any means, I just don’t like to leave my home. Hope your day is blessed

    Paula at /Smidgen,Snippets,&Bits


  4. I don’t like feeling closed in either. I pray, breathe and remind myself that I’m in a safe place. SoThankful God is everywhere! Visiting from FMF


  5. Thank you for stopping by and the encouragement!


  6. So true! God will help us through everything–he’s our safety from panic button. Cheering you on from the Five-Minute Friday crowd!


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